First off, why are they spending their money to support the US workers, owners, governments and economy when it's the Canadian economy that supports them, Canadians that are their neighbors, Canadian price differences that pay for the medical care, schools and better wages for those neighbors? And why is the government not discouraging them from spending all their dough down in Amerika without limits, duties and taxes and then enforcing those rules?
Why? Why? Why?, As Joni Mitchell asked recently, "Why Whine?" Well i'm whining because every economic exchange has unintended environmental consequences embedded in it. Capitalist markets are driven by demand, everything we consume, essential or not, causes environmental pollution over a broad range of different types.
As Jorge Majfud says, "Trying to reduce environmental pollution without reducing consumerism is like combating drug trafficking without reducing the drug addiction." It's important to notice that Majfud refers to the broad issue of environmental pollution, not just to global warming. The World Federation of Scientists, which encompasses many of the world's most eminent scientists and today represents more than 10,000 scientists, now focuses on 15 "planetary emergencies," among them water, soil, food, medicine and biotechnology, and climatic changes.
One thing they agree on across all fields is that there are no 'Green Solutions'. Every alternative energy is simply another way of burning fossil fuels and creating even worse environmental conditions broadly speaking. Even Nuclear energy which creates little to no CO2 in production creates plenty of it during the mining, transport, crushing and construction along with another huge pile of even worse GHGs during the enrichment process. Not to mention that on a broader scale, nuclear energy's by-products contain loads of dangerous and undetectable particles that zip in/out of every living thing causing cancerous mutations.
Until humans learn to live within their means, learn to stop driving to the mall, learn that hard work isn't a sin - debt is - and get rid of their consumer memes and dreams, capitalist expansionism will continue and so will the border lineups.
Please take a look the list below, maybe research some the topics more broadly, i think you'll agree that each issue can be boiled down to demand driven consumer capitalism as their underlying driver and my mud-dle minded whining.
1. Contamination of Drinking Water
2. Water Pollution
3. Soil Contamination
4. Wildlife Conservation
5. Air Pollution
6. Biological Pollutants
7. Carbon Footprint
8. Climate Change
9. Consumerism
10. Dams
11. Ecosystem destruction
12. Energy conservation
13. Fishing and its effect on marine ecosystems
14. Food Safety
15. Genetic Engineering
16. Industrial agriculture
17.Desertification and Soil Pollution.
18. Urban Sprawl and Habitat Destruction
19. Logging Destruction and Global Warming.
20. Mining and its Contributions to Global Warming
21. Nanotechnology and Nanotoxicology.
22. Natural Disasters and their impact on all aspects of the environment.
22. Nuclear Issues
23. Overpopulation Concerns
24. Resource Depletion
25. Sustainable Communities
26. Waste Management.