
Folks Everywhere are Joining the Round Dance Revolution. How About You?

Round Dance Revolution

Today's events are boiling so fast its impossible to keep up with all of them. The pressure is on Harper's government from all angles.  He's squirming to try to keep control of the agenda...and losing. It's invigorating to see that once again it could well be Canada's First Nations that come to the rescue of its environment.

The Idle No More movement holds the power now not the Assembly of First Nations or any of the individual chiefs including Chief Spence who's hunger strike served to focus the sensationalism driven mass media on the issues of Aboriginal Treaty Rights and the consultations the courts have demanded the government participate in before passing bills effecting those rights. Tomorrow's meeting-s mean less by the hour. Chief Spence's hunger strike does too. The question at this time is: Does the Conservative Government of Canada have the legitimate legal and moral authority to govern? Harper's moves in the next 24hrs could determine the answer.

Chief Spence's hunger strike, started weeks ago in support of Idle No More's issues, has served its purpose and it's probably time, after tomorrow's events, to go home to her family. We all owe her a huge debt of gratitude just as we did Elijah Harper many years ago. The steadfast grassroots First Nations members of Idle No More across Canada, to whom we also owe our thanks, are now the focus of attention. Their influence has grown with their numbers to the point where now the whole world is watching...and dancing.

Folks of all shapes, sizes, races, sexes and ages everywhere are joining the Round Dance Revolution. It's uplifting to visit the Facebook site and watch the videos roll in from around the world. The issues originally raised by this movement are very important in themselves but they are even more symbolically important  As Kristin Moe says today in Yes Magazine: "It holds up a mirror to our society, questioning the historical narrative we’re all taught to believe. It asks: On what values was our country founded? And, because identity is created out of that narrative: Who are we, really? And who do we want to be?"

Somewhere near you tomorrow, no matter where you are, the Indigenous people will be rallying in support of Idle No More's call for a Global Day of Action. They'll be joining the Round Dance Revolution. How about you?

Below are a couple of my favorite articles out today. The first gives a detailed accounting of Attawapiskat books. The second shows why the First Nations are the best hope for environmental justice and basic human rights for everyone:

Attawapiskat: You Want to Be Shown the Money? Here it Is.

Why First Nations Movement Is Our Best Chance for Clean Land and Water by Winona LaDuke