
The Washington Redskins Must Fire Mike Shanahan Immediately For Playing an Injured RG111

If Mike Shannahan doesn't quit he should be fired immediately by the Washington Redskins for allowing an obviously injured Robert Griffin the 3rd to continue playing in today's NFL playoff game against Seattle. The first responsibility of any coach at any level of any sport is the health of the young players he/she coaches. Mike Shanahan, no matter how much pressure he was under, put winning ahead of the health of his young quarterback today. He is a terrible example for young coaches and an excellent example of what sport should never be...

i've been a Seattle Seahawks fan for decades and they deserved to win today but it was painful to watch as RG111 limped around from the opening snap onwards. The announcers including hall-of-fame quarterback Troy Aikman said over and over that "Griffen is a compromised player". The team doctor who has been under fire for allowing him to play in these last games since his injury should resign too.

Griffen's parents must, as would any parents watching their injured child's future well being as well as his career put in harm's way by this coach, be livid or in tears. It isn't just that their son is such a huge star with such a bright athletic future, RG111 is every one's child in every sport professional or amateur.

Way back in '65, as a star of a small town's high school basketball i fell down shoveling snow and broke my ribs. After getting them taped secretly i lied to the coach and told him, as would any young kid including RG111 today, that i could play. To his credit my high coach, even though our league title was on the line, demanded an x-ray and benched me when it came back that i was really injured. We lost, but the coach did his job by protecting me and my future health. Mike Shanahan didn't do his job and must either quit immediately or be fired.