
For Buffalo Or People-The Wheel Of Happiness Rolls On The Hub Of Independence

Most of what was once the buffalo's natural range has been taken over by agribusiness and bankers cloaked in farmer's garb. Bankers love fences, fences stop the free flow of...everything, everything real that is, whereas ghost like capital floats through unhampered. Fences, like all political borders, serve the few at the expense of the many. We need overpasses to allow the buffalo the freedom to roam, we need bridges to connect our divided culture...

Since the open range daze of Hollywood's heyday, the Great American West has come to contain vast parking lot type areas of two basic designs. In one, millions of metal monsters park outside huge malls where their owners go to consume. The other type of lot has thousands of cattle type creatures, often knee deep in mud and feces, eating-shitting-waiting...

It's fairly easy to equate the health and happiness of ourselves with the health of our food and its food in turn. Happiness, emotive content, is becoming a little less-fuzzy of a problem in that we can trace stress hormones from our food through into our bio-chemical soup. Happy people would often choose to eat happy buffalo, who eat happy grass, that is growing in happy soil, which helps clean the air, which helps to clean the lungs and the thoughts of the previously unhappy people.

Cattle have been forced into short dependent lives by the importance of quantity of bankers' quarterly profits not by the quality of any, cattle or consumers, of our lives. Our individual quality of life, as well as our bank accounts, are not served by the agribusiness worldview. Independence of spirit lies at the hub of wheel of hapiness. Happiness is not a local phenomena, happiness is a contagious emotion, it's circular nature lies beyond the reductionism of science .

"John Cassian spoke of work as an anchor which can stabilize the boat of our heart on the tumultuous waves of our thoughts."

Eat well, breathe deeply...mas manana...